Bad Greenhouse versus Good Greenhouse

Jack R. Noel
4 min readMar 26, 2020

Bad Greenhouse versus Good Greenhouse, which shall it be? Right now, Democrat Politicians are selling Bad Greenhouse as the only inevitable possibility. They even insist that “all climate scientist” agree — with them! But no real scientist ever agrees with absolute certainty. Because every real scientist in every field also adheres to the meaning of the word “theory.”

A theory is a group of linked ideas intended to explain something. … They can be tested to provide support for, or challenge, the theory. The word ‘theory’ has several meanings: a guess or speculation, a law about things which cannot be seen directly, such as electrons or evolution.

So theories are always subject to being changed by new information. And there are examples of people purposely leaving out known information, as is true with the Democrat politicians’ version of global warming. We have only to remember that politicians routinely sell ideas like used car salesmen sell used cars: by leaving out such major facts like the car’s repair history and emphasizing the positives that make the car more attractive. I doubt there’s anyone who believes in the meticulous honesty of any politician or political party — they’re all promoters and they all make a good living at selling their ideas like used car salesmen sell used cars.

So the Democrats’ Global Warming Theory is just as suspect both scientifically and intellectually. No scientist would ever agree that the Democrats’ Global Warming Theory is proven beyond doubt, nor would any scientist say it’s based on complete information.

Here’s some reasons why. Earth’s current global average temperature is about 59º F. If all the remaining fossil fuels are consumed in the next century that might increase that global average to 70º F. About 11º warmer than it is today. Even Antarctica will average around 11º warmer. That’s easily enough to melt almost all of the land ice and leave just the poles and seasonal cycling net amount. remaining.

But in addition: the entire Mesozoic Era had an average global temperature twenty degrees warmer, not 11 degrees warmer. Now ask yourself what that global climate caused, it was after all a 160 million year period. Not a little 100 years but over 100 million years longer than the periods often referred to by those selling Bad Greenhouse Earth. Here’s what those millions of years were like everywhere on Earth: there was no ice at all, anywhere. Every species but especially plant species thrived in abundance from pole to pole.

By our standards, it was worldwide full summer every day. The ice all melted and water levels rose but the rainfall cycle was only interrupted due to geologic conditions at the time. The rainfall cycle meant that most latitudes on the Earth were thriving rainforests. Remember too: the dinosaurs came into being at the beginning of the Mesozoic and only ended when an astroid impact created unlivable conditions on most of the Earth for a brief time. But even so 30% of all species survived that event. So we are really talking about a substantial global improvement of the climate. THAT is what the used car selling Democrats are misinforming us about.

It’s a fact that sea levels were about 400 feet higher during the Mesozoic Era and there were no humans with cities and land which were inundated. So that has certainly changed and is cause for concern. Until you look at the actual data comparison. The predicted sea level rise by NOAA is only about 6 feet. But we know that six feet higher isn’t what the inland loss will be. NOA also provides an interactive map and I doubt the other non-interactive maps produced by others. Take your time examining NOAA’s map and you probably come to believe as I do: the extent of land loss is comparatively small and there are many decades before that loss will be completed. We know from past real estate history that real estate changes over time. It took just a few decades for the partially reclaimed (drained) land in Florida to become valuable real estate property. That land boom began almost exactly one hundred years ago. We have the same amount of time to allow the real estate market to make the oncoming change.

You see, the last ice age is still slowly winding down. Most of the land ice is already gone. So the lesser remainder will only cause a fraction of the sea level rise compared to that which has already happened.

A cooperative voluntary effort similar to (but easier than) the one now going on in response to the COVID 19 virus is obviously enough to take care of this consequence of climate change. And who in the northern latitudes is going to miss cold weather hazards and costs?

The Inevitable Bad Greenhouse Theory of Democrat politicians is therefore proven (inevitably, indisputably) wrong.



Jack R. Noel

Writer (non fiction/fiction), science buff, history buff and political commentator at large.