Bipartisan Losers 2000–2020

Jack R. Noel
4 min readOct 29, 2022

Jack R. Noel
October 28, 2022

Whoever voted for GWB should have at least one finger cut off.
Of course that’s a rhetorical statement, I’m just being funny and would never initiate violence against anyone without the backing of the law.

The so-called “Patriot Act” did more to harm Americans than any piece of legislation in the last couple of generations. I literally groaned out loud when I heard about Dubbya’s idea / new law. We are now conditioned to accept every gratuitous intrusion by government and “law enforcement” where superior force is used to “ensure compliance.”

But we can be sure of something else, too. That is that when the people who’re supposed to watch out for our safety fail, they want to cover that up with laws that make us look like the criminals. At least we also know now that any political party can hand us total losers like GWB and J. Robinette Biden. Not even a quarter century apart — two total losers.

How did we end up with those two dangerously incompetent fools? Oh, that’s right, the Republican and Democratic parties spent immense amounts of time and money to pick them as candidates whom we were supposed to vote into the White House. And we did… vote both into the White House, the first in 2000 and the second in 2020.



Jack R. Noel

Writer (non fiction/fiction), science buff, history buff and political commentator at large.