Lets Stop the Banning

Jack R. Noel
3 min readFeb 5, 2023

Jack R. Noel
February 5, 2023

There must be lots more here than meets the eye, especially a lot more than just Nazis on Facebook.

I graduated from high school in the early Sixties. We learned that Nazism had been defeated and that was that. So it’s real strange to see the number of people (not just in Russia) who actually believe Nazis are a thing.

Sure, I live in a university town, about 10 years ago about 30 guys in Nazi regalia showed up and one gave a speech in front of the federal building. People booed, there was no violence. The Nazi Club boarded their rented bus and haven’t been seen since.

Haven’t seen any Nazis on Facebook either. Someone named Nazi Kapatadze is on Facebook. Her writing looks like this: იდგა თებერვალი ფანტელები , თავზე თეთრად გვათოვდა. She is not a Nazi.

What most of us see (experience) on Facebook are the Facebook “nazis” who suspend our accounts for “violating community standards.” That Facebook uses (do they actually hire and pay these ignorant freaks?) such people is what’s going to make Facebook a stand alone international kiosk for freaks, the normal people are going to find other ways to spend their time.

What “community standard” dictates that someone can’t comment with, “they oughta hang the bastard” as if that actually “encourages violence.” It’s been a common statement to express disgust for generations.



Jack R. Noel

Writer (non fiction/fiction), science buff, history buff and political commentator at large.