Objective Principles Are Real

Jack R. Noel
4 min readNov 21, 2021

I do like it when I can read or watch the Sunday news and not become angry or anxious. So it is that I want to point out the story about the anticipated riot / “protest” in Kenosha, Wisconsin scheduled for tomorrow (Monday 11/22/2021) by Reporter Jackson Elliot which appears in the Epoch Times today.

But first let me remark that such articles were rare until recently and that fact led to the large drop in trust by the American pubic. It’s good to see new news sources popping up to fill the disgraceful gap created by the once-respected Press Establishment.

Let me present what Wikipedia says about Epoch Times: “The Epoch Times is a far-right international multi-language newspaper and media company affiliated with the Falun Gong new religious movement. The newspaper, based in New York City, is part of the Epoch Media Group, which also operates New Tang Dynasty (NTD) Television. The Epoch Times has websites in 35 countries but is blocked in mainland China.”

Okay but I think it should include the fact that the term “far right” has been given negative connotation by the “far left.” Let’s just dispense with the manufactured political / ideological drama, shall we?

I say this because the article itself seems pretty empty of “far right” rhetoric and Reporter Jackson Elliot seems like a pretty stable, relatively objective guy judging by the content.

I mean he’s not saying the residents of Kenosha, Wisconsin should be anxious and afraid, he just presents the facts about their preparations and being prepared for the worst but expecting better is a reasonable position for anyone to take.

His first paragraph summarizes the issues surrounding this particular planned demonstration. — “In Kenosha, many everyday businesses are nervously anticipating Sunday’s protest march against a jury’s acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse.” This is because, last year, rioting followed the trial of a Kenosha police officer who shot a black man named Jacob Blake several times and subsequently won acquittal. The acquittal was in conformance with the law: Jacob Blake at the time was armed with a knife and disregarded the officer’s orders to stop. Officers had also tased Blake twice without being able to stop him from attacking Officer Sheskey.

Yes, this time is definitely about the not guilty verdict for Mr. Kyle Rittenhouse. And the concern is based on current reality because trial officials have reported a “scary number of death threats.” In my opinion, past rioting in response to an acquittal under the same kind of circumstances warrants anticipatory response by Wisconsin public officials and by residents of the same town. This is what the term “good thinking” is all about. Whatever force is necessary must be readied to stop criminal rioters. (This applies also to those who committed even just vandalism during the January 6, 2001 MAGA rally. That was a highjacking of the legitimate rally by only about 400 out of tens of thousands of legitimate rally attendees.).

One of the foundation stones of the American system of Justice is the power of the jury of one’s peers. That anyone should threaten any jury member for their decision is a real threat and such threats must be dealt with effectively and severely.

Now is a good time to talk about the supposedly “respected” mainstream media because they are not supposed to be “far right” or “far left” or simply irresponsible in pursuit of “a good story.” (They advertise themselves as being “objective” but don’t hesitate to take political sides now days. They are really required to just “get attention” for themselves and for the advertising money.)

That MSNBC officials ordered one of their news vans to follow the bus carrying jurors back to their homes is nothing but appalling. There is no right to commit a criminal act — never endanger any jury member is the inviolable principal here. Someone at MSNBC is criminally liable and prosecutorial action is necessary.

I want to say how good it is to see Wisconsin stand up for law and order. That both Democrats like Governor Evers and Republican officials saw fit to coordinate in preventing criminal rioting prior to Monday is more a tribute to their common sense than it is to their political affiliations. Any political party which takes credit for the actions of their candidates in office is simply lying to us. Political parties are just middle men in the electoral process and few if any are honest in that role. More or less honest — yes — but none of them are completely honest.

Honesty is the product of accuracy and completeness. Trust is the product of honesty. The American political parties and American journalists both have a long way to go before they can earn your trust.



Jack R. Noel

Writer (non fiction/fiction), science buff, history buff and political commentator at large.