Jack R. Noel
1 min read5 days ago


Only 14%. Parrots are popular pets, 3rd most favored pet species. Renewable resource, many have adapted to nesting in urban environments - to the delight of human urban dwellers. Favorite tik tok videos include parrots becoming members of human households, parrots chasing family dogs, barking at them. I know a couple who adopted a wild fledgling crow, the crow followed the family dog, teasing him.

After a couple years, the crow flew off to the sound of a passing wild flock- and never returned.

I have been up for 3hours, I set an alarm for 10AM and it just now sounded. I went to the overnight (roosting) cage, lifted the cover, greeted my two parrots by name and opened the cage door. I told them, "time for perch" and they flew out to the living room to their play stand where they spend most of the day while I am at my computer. This has been daily routine for seven years now.

It's all win-win. Humans are the only species to have so many intimate associations with so many other species. We are in the right place at the right time but it took 4-1/2 billion years to happen.

Your article is aimed in the right direction, illustrating the Great Story of Life on Earth. Thank you.



Jack R. Noel

Writer (non fiction/fiction), science buff, history buff and political commentator at large.