People Are Catching On

Jack R. Noel
6 min readMay 6, 2022

May 5, 2022

Global, definition: Of, relating to, or involving the entire earth; worldwide.

Climate, definition: the composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region, as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds, throughout the year, averaged over a series of years.

Now most of us assume this is all there is but in reality “climate” includes our global oceans as well as all the rivers and lakes of fresh water. And continental drift also plays a determinant role.

Politics, definition: (1) The art or science of government or governing, especially the governing of a political entity, such as a nation, and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs.

(2) Political science.

(3) The activities or affairs engaged in by a government, politician, or political party.

Notice here that you need all three defining elements to truly understand the nature of “politics” and that in particular the most impactful factor is that of the political party.

So first let’s dispense with the claim that there are “climate deniers” — no one actually denies the reality of Earth’s climate. That’s a political claim aimed at demeaning those who disagree with the theory that adding CO2 (and methane) to Earth’s atmosphere will lead to “runaway greenhouse effect” and result in “catastrophe for Mankind.”
It’s the claim that what’s happening to Earth’s atmosphere because of burning fossil fuels will surely result in “catastrophe” that needs to be questioned by us all.

The political narrative first developed by Democrat Al Gore has become a worldwide political movement. Although they use scientific data to impress us, they always omit important scientific data. (That also counts on most people not having complete knowledge of Earth Science and omissions like this works very well for political narratives.)
“An Inconvenient Truth” is a 2006 American concert/documentary film directed by Davis Guggenheim about former United States Vice President Al Gore’s campaign to educate people about global warming.

Now you can glimpse the fundamental truth of this entirely political movement to force all of humanity to seek to continue what in reality is a massive inconvenience threatening our food supply and our physical safety: a cold climate. This applies mainly to the human population above 40º North Latitude and south of 40º South Latitude (with far smaller total population).

In addition, politicians continue to cry out over our thawing tundra — which itself is completely useless to human beings. Thawing (again) is the Great Threat to Humanity. (Almost hilariously funny when compared to known fact.). Lions and Tigers and Greenhouse gases, oh my!

Okay but isn’t the projected temperature rise for Earth a real catastrophe? Well, according to the oft-referenced National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the projected temperature rise up to the year 2100 (78 years from now), the global average temperature may reach 9º Fahrenheit warmer than 2022. Okay so if your region has an average yearly temperature average of 54º F — then in 78 years your region will be averaging 63º F over the entire years. If your region has a low winter temperature of 30º F — then it will be a winter average of. 38º F. How is this a “disaster” when subfreezing temperatures cause more traffic accidents (and damage to vehicles) and power outages than above freezing temperatures?? Also included is the fact that shorter fall and winter seasons means sooner planting and extended food production for each square mile. (Millions of square miles when you look at the North American and EurAsian continents).

But isn’t that 9º average rise going to lead to in the equatorial latitudes? Well, it will lead to summertime temperatures which create emergency conditions in some regions for three or four months. There’s that kind of emergency going on right now in portions (but not all) of India. But other kinds of catastrophe are being experienced by the 44 million people in the Ukraine too. In a fact one single man named Vladimir Putin is threatening the whole world with nuclear warfare.

Oh but the global warming will melt all the land ice, “our glaciers are disappearing at an alarming rate.” Well, here’s another example of manipulative use of observed phenomena — for tens of millions of years there has been such global temperatures and no land ice anywhere on this planet. The main effect: a virtual world wide covering of plant life which we know thrives on warm temperatures. That’s pure bonus for all the animals in the upper tiers of Earth’s food chain!

What about the global rise in sea level? Again we can easily see the over emphasis on what a ten foot rise in sea level will “do to humanity.” What a global rise in sea level will do “to humanity” if force a slow movement (decades in length) to ground that is the new “ten feet above sea level.” The boom in real estate in Florida was because of the warmer temperatures in that state, not because of colder temperatures in that state. Looking at the global map showing the predicted loss real estate, we seen what will be a reversal of the move to low lying but warmer real estate. A seaside city like Miami, Florida can be moved upland only as far as a person can see to preserve the entire city of 483,395 people. This is just a new real estate boom in the offing in most of the affected seaboard areas.

You can make a good case for burning what’s left of Earth’s fossil fuel supply (which is exactly what’s being observed and predicted). For one thing these projections include that we will be out of fossil fuels within a hundred years or so. Meanwhile the greatest advantage is in using them up while working on replacement sources.

The final never-mentioned factor in saving our planet: excess human population. Now first let me dispense with the notion that “human life is different and sacred” because it’s nothing of the sort. We are in all ways animals (vertebrate mammals.). We are a species among many (millions). But we are unique and special. We don’t need any super natural mystical support to know that. That’s like believing in the Great Pumpkin. Instead we can scientifically define our species and know that a major part of our uniqueness is that was have brains different than any other creature with central nervous systems. And we so far have completely failed to voluntarily regulate our own reproduction and birth rate world wide. That’s what makes Earth our petri dish with its limited supply of nutrients. When bacteria fill a Petri dish they simply exhaust their food supply and the whole colony dies. The human colony on Earth is doing the same thing unless we limit our own numbers peacefully and willingly.

We can take adaptive measures, we cannot control the climate in the way politicians constantly claim. Acidification of the oceans is one of the other predicted phenomena. But already there are scientists and engineers saying we can reduce or eliminate that threat to shellfish. We can and will avoid the extinction of the entire kingdom of mollusks.

So, global warming equals disaster for humanity — falsified belief. There are “climate deniers” — untrue it’s a false accusation to create a false threat.

The injection of greenhouse gases will create a world wide climate hostile to human life — another false claim disproven by providing the concealed facts.

Thawing the world’s tundra will create more greenhouse gases — true but only in the way a compost pile works and compost is “renewable” for the greenhouse we depend on for our food supply. Besides methane is the “natural gas” which supplies us with vital heat energy.

Over heating already hot climate regions is an unmitigated disaster. No, there will be “deadly heat waves” just as in the past but people in hot climates are already evolutionarily adapted and build buildings that are naturally cooled. Air conditioners (air cooling machines) — need energy to work. The hottest areas are not walled off to migration, either. Migration handled rightly benefits both the migrants and the inhabitants where they migrate to. And there is no stampede to cooler climates going on right now, either. They have decades to move, not “in ten years.”

The global rise in sea level will be “catastrophic.” No — there will be the need to move 400 yards or so in most coastal areas but that just means there will be new lands for a real estate boom. What about the Netherlands and New Orleans? Those people already know they’re living on floodable land — why aren’t they moving on their own? Why “send aid” to people stubbornly living in unlivable areas when they get flooded every three years? That only encourages more irresponsible beliefs and decisions.

But what about the “media” supporting this false narrative? It’s true they do now. But when enough publishers and broadcasters realize they can make the same profit by publishing and broadcasting the facts about the real solutions, that will change on its own.

Adapt, improvise, overcome.

There is profit honesty.

“You can’t con people, at least not for long. You can create excitement, you can do wonderful promotion and get all kinds of press, and you can throw in a little hyperbole. But if you don’t deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on.” — Donald Trump



Jack R. Noel

Writer (non fiction/fiction), science buff, history buff and political commentator at large.