People in Europe Aren’t Crippled With College Debt

Jack R. Noel
2 min readOct 8, 2024

October 7, 2024
Jack R. Noel

Honesty is the product of accuracy and completeness.
Trust is the product of honesty.

Awareness of the bigger world outside the United States. There are many European countries where there is no charge for getting a college-level education. Additionally, people in those countries do not have to pay for day care or medical insurance — at all!

How do they do this?? The people have agreed to pay about 50% of their income in taxes. People who have less than a self supporting income are not taxed at all. But the services (free medical care, free college education, etc) are the return on “expense of taxation.” People in those countries lose nothing in the end. But they are relieved of the worry and tension that go with being in debt.

Billionaires are not exempted, they must pay proportionately like everyone else. This is called “graduated income tax” — something the American public doesn’t appear to know because the wealthy use corruption to hide their dishonesty. Their use of generalities is key to understanding this. “We don’t agree to pay taxes” is suggestive of “we” when in fact they just mean they won’t agree to pay taxes. This is more widely known and recognized in European countries. They have had longer experience with the privileged wealthy.



Jack R. Noel
Jack R. Noel

Written by Jack R. Noel

Writer (non fiction/fiction), science buff, history buff and political commentator at large.