Jack R. Noel
1 min readJun 23, 2024


This is an especially keen and useful insight, Liza.

I am just lucky, I was a star Biology student in high school. i was chosen to be president of the Biology Club and our Biology teachers assigned me to lead a reptile study group. This has led me to think of our own species as remarkably like some other species.

For example, male and female birds mate and produce chicks. After hatching the male and female parents form a partnership devoted to feeding and protecting their offspring. The male bird will defend the nest, risking his own life to protect his mate and his offspring. Just as we never see a cavr painting of a salad, we never see a male bird dragging his mate out of the nest after knocking her out. We see the opposite: both are in a supportive partnership. This is where humans intersect with Nature. Or would if not for Trumpism which advocates for violence against women.



Jack R. Noel

Writer (non fiction/fiction), science buff, history buff and political commentator at large.