Jack R. Noel
May 3, 2024


We all know the line: Every dark cloud has a silver lining. You and your wife are that silver lining for us all.

You talk about the problem we all face. It seems me the failure lies in failing to recognize some Natural Science: that is that we are all the same species - but with different regional climatic adaptations which means we have "white" and "black" physical appearance. Homo sapiens appeared in Africa first - everyone had the same adaptive physical appearance, human beings (unlike our cousins the Neanderthals) were all "black."

Homo sapiens has always been a "migratory" species so that early Homo sapiens in ice-bound Europe had a lot to evolutionary adaptations to go through. That process is what left us with today's "racism."



Jack R. Noel

Writer (non fiction/fiction), science buff, history buff and political commentator at large.