You Are Scared Because You Don’t Believe In Yourself

Jack R. Noel
4 min read5 days ago

July 1, 2024
Jack R. Noel

Stories listing the threats posed by Donald Trump and his followers are very popular. So writing stories that pose the threat as dire and immediate get more followers than stories assuring readers they can handle such threats. One of many examples is fellow author Richard Lowenthal. It just happened that I just finished reading his apocalyptic, “Our American Cult of Defiant Ignorance.” It is indeed a terrifying vision and has the advantage of being plausible.

Richard is not being dishonest, Trump and his followers do pose an imminent threat to our country and thereby to all of us. Richard also has 6.5 times more followers than I do. Am I jealous? No, I am recognizing the truth. I want all Medium authors to be successful. I am just interested in seeing how these successful authors got to be so damned successful!
Richard is one of those intelligent, accomplished people who are genuinely bereft of belief they can stop threats. Richard and all people of his persuasion believe he “is not qualified” but he is.
What he and a lot of other people are not is: trained and practiced in stopping threats. Being deprived of an essential skill is not an evil act, it’s the lack of such threats that leads people to believe they don’t need to “cowboy up.” But we do, we all need to cowboy up.

There is irony here, that the fact that we all live safely due to to benefits of our society and…



Jack R. Noel

Writer (non fiction/fiction), science buff, history buff and political commentator at large.